Common Encryption in ISO based media file format
A summary note of ISO/IEC 23001–7:2016
What is “Common Encryption”?
Common Encryption specifies standard encryption and key mapping methods that can be utilized to enable decryption of the same file using different DRM and key management systems.
- define encryption algorithms and encryption-related metadata
No Goal
- rights mapping, key acquisition, and storage, DRM content protection compliance rules → are done by the DRM system
- DRM specific information such as licenses, rights, and license acquisition information can be stored in PSSH
- Each instance of this box stored in the file corresponds to one applicable DRM system identified by a well-known SystemID.
Protection Scheme
Protection Scheme Type
AES-CTR mode full sample and video NAL subsample encryptioncbc1
AES-CBC mode full sample and video NAL subsample encryptioncens
AES-CTR mode partial video NAL pattern encryptioncbcs
AES-CBC mode partial video NAL pattern encryption
Protection Scheme signaling
: Scheme Information Boxschm
: Scheme Type box, delivering encryption scheme. (scheme_type: [cenc, cbc1, cens, cbcs])schi
: Scheme Information Box — holder fortenc
: Track Encryption Box, delivering default parameters for encryption
Protection System Specific Header box (PSSH)
Contains information needed by a Content Protection System (i.e. DRM) to playback the content.
specifies the format of the data
What’s in data?
Information necessary to enable decryption key acquisition and decryption of the media data. For an example of the DRM system,
- URL of the license servers or rights issuer
- embedded licenses or rights
- embedded keys
- DRM specific metadata
Track Encryption Box (TENC)
Default encryption parameter values for the entire track. For files with only one KEY per track, this box allows the basic encryption parameters to be specified once per track instead of being repeated per sample.
These can be over-ridden by the sample group description associated with a group of samples.
- version: 1 for pattern-based encryption
- if default_constant_iv is present, it is IV for all samples
- a constant IV shall not be used with counter-mode encryption
Example box structures
cbcs contents
The Sample Encryption Box contains the sample-specific encryption data, including the initialization vectors needed for decryption and, optionally, alternative decryption parameters. It is used when the sample data in the fragment might be encrypted.